The Neumannmühle offers a b&b, which I took a chance of. It was worth it and after a good breakfast I left for a short(er) hike; one can consider it almost a “nero” (a near zero distance day). Short it was only in km, long it was elevation gain and loss and rich it was because of the many beautiful views I saw.
I walked all by myself all day and I finally had the feeling, at least sometimes, of getting back into “the flow”. I turned off my head once in a while and just strolled along. This nonchalance gave me the possibility to take some side-trails to various outlook-points. Where they worth it? Yes indeed, I must say.
As I got to Schmilka I decided to take the train back to Pirna and pitch my tent at the community-campground. Tomorrow I’m not taking my stuff with me, I leave it at the campground, there’s no need in carrying it along on the left side of the Elbe as I will pass by train stations every now and then and can go back to the campground.
Enough talk, check out the statistics.
And here’s the picture of the day. What you see is the view from the Kipphornaussicht. On the left you find the Elbe and on the right the Elbsandsteingebirge, which I have been hiking for the last 5 days.