1000 km completed!

With a short and easy day today, almost a day off, we hit our first 1000 km of walking!

Here are some stats for you:

Days: 37

Distance Hiked: 1003 km (623 mi)

Km/day: 27.1

Days off: 3

Km/hiking day: 29.5

We hiked all the way through Sicily and tomorrow we exit Calabria and enter Basilicata. We are a bit behind our goal of 30 km per day, but that being said, we are pretty positive with how things will go in the future! Italy, being so mountainous, is probably the toughest part of this trip. Add to that the fact that we are hitting these mountains in winter time and have had to deal with snow. The official E1 trail doesn’t start until around mid-Italy. Not being tied to a specific route has allowed us to seek beautiful paths while avoiding some rough terrain, especially on the high, snow-covered peaks. We have followed the Sentier Italia (SI) for a good portion of the trek, but unfortunately the marking can often be poor. Confusion over this has also cost us time. So we are enjoying ourselves but are looking forward to longer, warmer days on well-marked trails!

Only about 7500 km to go!

See more photos/videos at www.instagram.com/jaredturtlechip

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